
The Bergerode Blog


Cyber Essentials' Five Business Benefits: Day One

  • Posted By Bergerode Consulting
  • On 2 November 2020

Cyber Essentials is the UK Government’s scheme to help organisations secure themselves against the ever increasing number of cyber threats. The scheme is overseen by the National Cyber Security Centre and IASME.

It has five business advantages, and today we shall look at the first one:

Competitive Advantage

Its almost a daily occurence to read about companies suffering data breaches and losing financial information and the personal information of its customers. Supplers and customers are increasingly security savvy and are increasingly favouring those companies which take proactive steps to secure their data and that of their customers and suppliers.

Cyber Essentials gives your business a competitive advantage over rivals by showing that your organisation takes cyber security seriously. It delivers independent assurance that your organisation is compliant with five cyber security controls (listed below) protecting against the most common cyber-attacks.

Secure Networking – is your network secure so that hackers are kept out?

Secure Configuration – are your devices and software secured so that they cannot be accessed by hackers?

Access Control – do you manage access to your data so that only staff with a "need to know" access it?

Malware Protection – are your devices are kept secure from viruses and ransomware?

Patch Management – are your devices and software are kept up-to-date with the latest security patches?